Josep E. Corbí


Josep E. Corbí is full professor in philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of València (Spain). He has been a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford (1989-90), Brown University (1995-96), University of Buenos Aires (2006), the University of Sheffield (2008-09), and the University of Fribourg (2009) for shorter periods of time.

Research Interest

First-Person Authority and Self-Knowledge as an Achievement

Moral Emotions and Moral Theory

Moral Luck and Conflict of Values

Moral Realism and Moral Motivation


Books: Minds, Causes, and Mechanisms. A Case against Physicalism (Blackwell Publishers, 2000; in cooperation with Josep L. Prades (University of Girona)), Un lugar para la moral (Antonio Machado Editores, 2003), and Morality, Self-Knowledge, and Human Suffering (Routledge, 2012). 

Papers: Josep’s publications include numerous papers in epistemology, philosophy of mind, and meta-ethics in Crítica, European Journal of Philosophy, European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, Noûs, Teorema,Theoria, Synthese etc.; as well as less technical papers on guilt and the experience of harm in Azafea, L’Espill and Pasajes. Most of them can be downloaded here

 Research Projects

Since 1990, I have been a research fellow numerous of Research Projects funded by the Spanhish Ministry of Science and Innovation. I have been a PI of the following projects: Deliberation, Realism and Truth (BFF2000-1073-C04-03), Belief, Motivation and Truth (BFF2003-08335-C03-01.GV04B-251, ACOMP06/135), ‘Philosophy of Language, Logic and Cognition‘ (PI-UV. Coordinator. PI Manuel García-Carpintero, HUM2006-08236), and Perspectival Thoughts and Facts‘ (PI: Manuel García-Carpintero. PI-G9: Josep E. Corbí, CSD00C-09-62102), Self-Knowledge, Moral Responsibility and Authenticity (FFI2016-75323-P)

Now I am a research fellow at Elimativism, Fictionalism, and Expressivism (PID2019-106420GA-I00), and The Philosophy of Hybrid Representations (PID2020-119588GB-I00)

Services to the Profession

Research Agencies: Philosophy Coordinator for the Spanish State Research Agency (2019-2021), ERC Internal Evaluator (2012-2021), ICREA Internal Evaluator (2012-2014), Philosophy Manager for the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (2005-2007) 

Steering Committees: European Society for Analytic Philosophy (2000-2005), Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica (2010-2016), Nomos Network for Applied Philosophy (2007-2021) 

Editorial Boards: Acta Analytica (1995-…), Análisis Filosófico (2009 – …), Crítica, Mexico, (1996- …), Dialectica (1996-1999), Teorema (1995-…)  

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